active agent

Whether display, mobile, native, video, DOOH, cinema, digital audio, linear or programmatic TV – plan, buy and optimize programmatic advertising efficiently with the Active Agent DSP.

As a fully-fledged omnichannel DSP, our demand-side platform offers innovative marketing technology for consistently value-oriented, automated and data-driven media purchasing.

Display, Mobile & Native

Dynamic & individually tailored to the market

IAB, UAP and MMA standard formats, native, onsite and creative special advertising formats.


Holistic placement on the big screen

Combining the reach of linear television with the targeted controllability of digital channels.

Digital out of Home

Book digital signage advertising space directly without detours

Guaranteed visibility: digital advertising at airports, train stations, cinemas and other high-traffic locations and easy measurability of campaigns through footfall measurement.

Programmatic Cinema

Campaigns have a wide reach on the big screen

Target new customer groups on the super plus size screen.

Programmatic Radio

Reach the target group precisely in the audio environment

The ideal complement to visual forms of advertising with individual spots. No matter whether in One2One, e.g. during podcasts or in the linear One2Many program.

Active Agent


Core features

100% data protection-compliant purchasing through simple campaign setups with automatic compliance with IAB standards and EU requirements.

With the help of pre-bid integrations, there is fully automatic quality control during media buying and ensures brand-safe playout customised to the brand.

Centralised management of all common deal types including forecasts and detailed reporting as well as a comprehensive directory of exclusive always-on deals in various channels. Selection from various bid strategies and factors with which bids for advertising space, target groups or placements can be automatically adjusted and optimised.

Comprehensive geographical targeting options from country to granular location targeting using postcode, polygon, lat&long or our DOOH location screen targeting.In cooperation with Adsquare, visitor flows for drive-to-store and DOOH campaigns can also be measured and analysed in real time.

Exclusive prebid connections with Otto PNTA and Weischer TRACE are available for DOOH and cinema campaigns.

Creative Pools can be used to create higher-level motifs and copy them to different campaigns, making it possible to synchronise motif changes efficiently with just a few clicks.

Support for all relevant identifiers, cross-client targeting & capping and 1st-party user ID handling. Our cross-devise graphs offer cross-device targeting across many channels and devices. Campaign extensions also maximise reach through channel bridging, e.g. from big screen to DOOH.

Connection of customer-specific BI/CRM data, also based on own identifiers and use of individual segments from numerous DMP partners such as The Adex, Semasio & DATANEXX.

Connection of various prebid partners for contextual targeting such as ODC and support of IAB content category targeting as well as handling of IAB content categories in the bid stream.

Pre and Post Bid Viewability Measurements enable the realisation of comprehensive viewability approaches and maximisation of campaign results through transparent and measurable viewability optimisation.

Automated optimisation of campaigns based on costs, clicks, leads/orders or the view through rate.

Hosting, encoding and delivery of video and audio advertising media in accordance with the VAST 4.x standard, mezzanine functionality and dynamic AdPod generation.

PostView and PostClick analysis for detailed conversion evaluation of the customer journey as well as cross-order, cross-campaign and cross-channel evaluation of unique impressions based on various identifiers.

On request, in addition to the advertiser fee, direct billing cases and costs incurred outside the DSP can be automatically included in the budget calculation and subsequently reported.

& Awards

Quality, trust and expertise

These three principles form the basis for a targeted customer relationship and are therefore our focus.

In compliance with German and European data protection regulations, we continue to impress our customers and partners with fast response times and a collaborative approach to work.

Day after day. Week after week.


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