
Our ad serving platform offers customized and holistic solutions for the efficient marketing of all inventories in the digital advertising business. The modular platform meets all requirements for solution-oriented management and offers a comprehensive API for connecting third-party tools.

Modularity & Flexibility

Agile implementation for individual needs

Edit different inventory models and use AnyID (cookie, MAID, ID provider).

Integrated Yield Platform

Holistic optimization of I/O and programmatic

Price-optimized delivery of I/O and programmatic while maintaining guaranteed I/O targets.

MultiChannel & Targeting

Campaigns across all channels

Manage campaigns on all channels and use target group rules and targeting criteria.

Identity Grid

Use Cookieless Future now

Cookieless inventory addressability and monetization: MDFC, Cross Device, Household Deals, AnyID, 1st-party AdServing.

Multi-Format & Multi-Goal

Use all formats and define goals

Campaign success through one or more goals (AdRequests, Impressions, Clicks, Events).



Core features

For Publisher & Advertiser

Support of all relevant identifiers, enrichment of the ad server call with external ID, cross-client targeting & capping and 1st party user ID service.

Price-optimized delivery of I/O campaigns and programmatic inventory, taking into account the target achievement of I/O campaigns as well as evaluation and detailed presentation of opportunity costs. Integration of the Yieldlab SSP by means of individual and automated server-to-server integration.

Effective inventory forecasting to ensure campaign targets are met, automated reporting and customizable custom reports with provision on FTP or by e-mail as well as the option of raw data exports.

AdSlot-oriented or context-related inventory model with fully dynamic inventory selection in the areas of campaign creation and reporting.

Asynchronous website integration with own JS library, server-side integration via proxy solution and ad server delivery via customer-owned subdomain.

User-friendly SDK for simple native app integration and modern architecture offers fully customizable options for in-app banner delivery – both native and webview-based.

Hosting, encoding and delivery of video and audio advertising media in accordance with the VAST 4.x standard, mezzanine functionality and dynamic AdPod generation.

For Advertiser & agencies

PostView and PostClick analysis for detailed conversion evaluation of the customer journey.

Evaluation of unique client reach based on various identifiers – across orders, campaigns and channels.

Dynamic tracking code inheritance for efficient control of 3rd party tracking at advertiser, order, campaign and ad media level.

IAB-compliant video hosting and encoding in accordance with the VAST 4.x standard with file sizes of up to 500M, bit rates of up to 12,000 kb/s and full event tracking.

& Awards

Quality, trust and expertise

These three principles form the basis for a targeted customer relationship and are therefore our focus.

In compliance with German data protection regulations, we continue to impress our customers and partners with fast response times and a collaborative approach to work.

Day after day. Week after week.


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