Our success:

Our team!



On this page you will find all vacancies at Virtual Minds. As soon as you have found a job advertisement that interests you, you can apply using the “Apply online” button below the job description. You will then be automatically redirected to our application portal, where you can easily upload all your application documents.

Do you have any questions about jobs at Virtual Minds? Give us a call or send us an e-mail.

Tech, Data &

Product Development

(Senior) Data Engineer (f/m/d)

(Senior) Java Platform Developer (f/m/d)

Training IT specialist for application development (f/m/d)

Full Stack Developer (f/m/d)

IT Support Specialist (f/m/d)

Product Owner (f/m/d)

Senior Angular Developer (f/m/d)

Senior Backend Developer (f/m/d)

Senior Data Platform Engineer (f/m/d)

Marketing, Sales &

Account Management

Junior Consultant Platform Solutions (w/m/d)

Working Student Programmatic Advertising (f/m/d)

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Submit an unsolicited application now!

At Virtual Minds we know that a company can only be as good as the people who put their passion into creating something every day. We therefore attach great importance to offering our employees from all over the world an environment in which they can optimally contribute their personal strengths and interests and to provide them with the best possible support.



Flexible working hours

Work-life balance is important to us: whether you're an early riser or a late riser, have private appointments or overtime compensation, our flexible working hours allow you to achieve the best possible balance between professional and private life.

Special leave & vacation

Vacation is not an option, but a must. With us you get 30 days of vacation per year and various special vacations on top, such as when you move or get married. Our flexible working time models also help to compensate for overtime and in special life situations.

Special discounts

Our employees benefit from special conditions from ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE with numerous brands and manufacturers from different industries, such as fashion, cosmetics or technology.


We offer our employees the opportunity to lease bicycles at reduced rates. You can choose your dream bike directly from a Jobrad specialist dealer.

retirement provision

In addition to subsidies for your private pension provision, we offer you the opportunity to receive capital-forming benefits - for a financially independent life after working life.


As part of the ProSiebenSat.1 employee share program Media SE you can purchase company shares at attractive conditions and also benefit from subsidies.

Child allowance

Parents receive a monthly subsidy from us for childcare and, thanks to the partnership with the BUK Family Service, free advice and help with special care and living situations.


On the occasion of a birth or marriage or registration of a marriage-like partnership, we will give you a financial extra and a big congratulations on top of that, because we are celebrating with you!

Continuing education

Make the most of your potential or acquire new knowledge: As part of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, you benefit from P7S1's large digital training offering with many courses on different topics and work areas.

Language courses

To ensure an exchange on an equal level in our international team, we offer both English and German language courses at different levels for anyone interested.

Working abroad

No matter whether you want to visit your family or the longing for the beach is too great: If you wish, you can work remotely in another European country for up to 30 days within a period of 12 months.


We support your active lifestyle through cooperation with various fitness clubs across Germany as well as the online sports offerings of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE.

More to come

In addition to the benefits listed on this page, mobile working, modern offices and regular events, we are always working on offering our employees additional benefits.



In our application process we completely avoid assessment centers, trick questions or stress interviews. Instead, we would like to have a conversation with you at eye level. So that you can prepare yourself as best as possible, we will explain to you  how our application process works in detail:

1. Interview

Once we have received your application, we will check your documents, which usually only takes a few days. If your profile meets the criteria, we will invite you to an initial interview. In this (virtual) interview, we get to know each other and develop a feel for each other's expectations and wishes for the job.


This interview is about the relevant topics: Depending on the position you have applied for, you will receive a coding challenge from us or we will check your job-related knowledge directly in our joint interview.


Once you have successfully completed the technical interview, our hiring manager will arrange a final interview with you. Here we evaluate your required soft skills and you get the chance to get to know your potential team.

Welcome to the team

If you have convinced us - and we have convinced you - during the interviews, we look forward to welcoming you to our team soon.




Maria Tsormpatzoglou

Senior Talent Acquisition Manager

Morris Seyfried

Junior Talent Acquisition Manager

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