the adex

The Adex combines a data marketplace for the sale of data with a data management platform that can be used to aggregate and analyze data structures. Data from different sources, such as apps, addressable TV or e-commerce platforms, can be bundled and offered on one platform, regardless of whether it is public or only for certain customers.

Regardless of the challenges advertisers face, at The Adex they will find solutions to maintain or even increase their reach. Our multi-ID-enabled platform is designed to future-proof marketing strategies and seamlessly integrate different identity solutions.

Data security

100% absence of cloud services

Autonomous, carrier-neutral and ISO 27001 certified data center in Germany.

Data protection

100% GDPR-compliant storage of customer data

Compliance with applicable IAB industry guidelines and ensuring various control mechanisms.

Keyword Targeting

Better results with your own crawler

Text search and targeting provide continuous full-text search with word weighting.

Real-time segmentation

Access to real-time information

Dedicated data based on request attributes is assigned to a segment in real time and marked in the DSP.

Cross device

Ganzheitliche und übergreifende Reporting

Holistic interpretation of the customer journey across all devices and channels.

The Adex DMP

& Marketplace

Core features

Data Management Plattform

Data is collected from various sources including desktop, mobile and HBBTV.

Integrations with relevant players in the market, including Active Agent, Adition, Adform, Google Stack, The TradeDesk, Xandr, Pubmatic, Platform161, Facebook, Equativ, Magnite and Verizon Media.

Individual control of each sub-client, including dedicated access, sub-client-specific segmentation or globally available target groups under the master instance.

Despite challenges such as the elimination of 3rd party cookies or browser blocking, we offer a successful user identity management strategy. Our future-oriented multi-ID-capability approach makes it possible to connect a wide variety of identity solutions within one platform – whether industry IDs or your own custom identifiers.

With 1st-party discovery, we offer a predictive score approach to generate demographic insights for data using AI-based machine learning. With the help of look-a-like modeling, we also enable the calculation of statistical twins.

The Adex offers a variety of graphs to visualize and better plan campaigns. For example, the household graph is a suitable method for household-related products and services. By matching a large number of data points and using algorithms, it enables different devices to be assigned to a household.

The Same Device Graph determines the affiliation of different devices across multiple browsers, websites, apps and mobile web and in-app traffic. This enables an increase in the reach of data segments, as mobile data can now also be used for video desktop campaigns.

Data Marketplace

Actively distribute standard segments or individual data to relevant DSPs, SSPs, Exchanges, AdServers and DMPs without inventory requirements.

Extensive list of standard segments that can be immediately activated and used in any available system. Additionally, the segments can be customized based on specific, individual requirements for each partner.

Instances can be shared with partners as autonomous units in compliance with data protection regulations or monetized via external platforms. Our customers always retain complete control over their data.

With Datanexx, we offer a heterogeneous portfolio of data partners who provide raw as well as pre-aggregated CRM and panel data. We use this database to create high-performance targeting audiences as well as individual target groups. With blind marketing under our own DMP brand “Datanexx”, our clients benefit from data marketing by The Adex without disclosing the direct data source, as DMP handles the entire data marketing process from segmentation to remuneration.

& Awards

Quality, trust and expertise

These three principles form the basis for a targeted customer relationship and are therefore our focus.

In compliance with German data protection regulations, we continue to impress our customers and partners with fast response times and a collaborative approach to work.

Day after day. Week after week.


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